Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Muchas Gracias ...

I just wanted to write to my many followers, clients -- past and present -- and many dedicated dog owners that read my blog and/or follow my business page on Facebook ... and those that do other things outside of anything business to make it very easy for me to love my job even more!

It is you dog owners that keep me going, that keep me wanting to help dog owners when they need it.  There are so many great dog owners out there, so many great dog clients I've had the joy of getting to know and work with.  I just wanted to send a huge thank you to all of you!

For an update on myself -- I'm still pregnant! Seems like forever, at least to me!  I'm 34 weeks and due with my twin girls (we have named Stella and Sadie) on March 24th  I'm definitely ready and at this point walking into the kitchen to get water is a chore.  The bathroom is a common place for me to be and sitting or lying down is the only thing that feels somewhat comfortable at this stage.  However, the babies are doing great and we are moving along nicely according to the doctors.  So, again, thank you for all you have done and I will post updates as much/often as possible.

Remember that I post lots on my Facebook business page and hope to keep this blog busy with dog stuff too!  You can sign up for updates sent directly to your inbox by putting your email address in the bar where it says "Get Emailed When I Post New Stuff" on the right column of the main blog page here: adventuresincaninetraining.blogspot.com